onsdag 17 november 2010

Shenton College for deaf and hard of hearing. If all paper work goes through, this is the school I will start working at in February

 I´ve visited the college a few times, met the principal, the teachers and the students. I've helped out in some classes and held a couple of lessons myself. It's going well and I've learned a bit of Auslan (the Australian sign language), the students also picked up a bit of the Swedish sign language :)


6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Åhh så härligt det ser ut!!! Fondansökningar-here we come!!
Återkommer med det senaste snart...
Kram Annika, Peter, Julia och

johanosandra@hotmail.com sa...

Menar ni att ni är på väg hit???! Sådana nyheter tas emot med glädje!
Kramar i massor!

Lina sa...

Coolt! Jag vi drömmer om det iaf :-) Många kramar

johanosandra@hotmail.com sa...

Hej Lina!
Så roligt att höra av dig :)

Vill du skicka en inbjudan till din blogg på vår mail så att vi kan ölja dig också?
Kram kram!

Hardcore running bitch sa...

I'm impressed with you, Sandra! Can't wait to follow your work at Shelton College. I'm glad you want to continue working with deaf students! :P Miss you Sandra and hope to see you next year, I'm so going to Perth after X-mas next year. :)

johanosandra@hotmail.com sa...

You are sooo welcome Petra!

Great running by the beach here "down under" too :)

See you next year!