Put another burger on the barbe, mate!
When you´re invited to a BBQ you bring a dish, Sandra´s qinoua salad was a hit that hadn´t been tasted before :)
Sunday is usually the day to get together for a BBQ, this is our first one!
A warm spring day like this it´s great to have a little pool to cool down in, Isabella is like a fish in the water.
Max + Sandra = sant
Having a walk in the neighbourhood, about 3 km to the beach from Tigerts.Wide roads and sidewalks, little traffic and very clean.
Palm trees in all of the roundabouts, we like!!!
6 kommentarer:
Vad härligt det ser ut! Hoppas att ni har det riktigt bra. längtar efter sol och värme vi med. nu grå dask sörja men visst höstsolen har sin charm men lite värme och ljus hade inte skadat.
Saknar er allihop! Kommer snart snart!
Louise katt ser precis ut som Killen också. En aussie mate dubbelgångare :D
Ni får skicka adress på mail så jag kan skicka en massa svenskt söom ni kanske saknar och bilder från Bali och bröllopet.
Kramar alla från mig extra mycket :)
Puss och Kram S2
Ja visst är Jack en kopia av killen, eller långnost bror till Aurora, lustigt! Vi har det riktigt bra och har blivit sa väl mottagna av alla här att vi känner oss riktigt välkomna. Vår adress ligger på höger sida på bloggen, 22Mason way, Padbury. Blir glad över vykort eller brev :)
Kraaaaam AndraSandra
Wonderful pictures! So how has the first days settling down in the new Aussie life in Perth been? Has been bad at keeping myself updated in your previous blog, but now I gotta try to follow this blog and see whats up with your lives! OMG, Johan grew his hair even longer than the last time- it really suits his style! :)
Miss you Sandra and take care!
Roligt! Hur känns det nu då med det nya landet? Ser ut som om ni har det bra i alla fall och bröllopet på bali såg underbart ut. Får sug efter att resa dit igen och inte minst till australien till er alla!
Ta hand om er!
Kram Diana
Waouh !!!!
GOOD LUCK lucky Strandsjös !
Miss you !
Dear friends! Thanks for all your comments, it feels good to know that you are following us at the blog. We are happy to hear from you, Petra, Diana, Sandra and Caroline :)
It feels really good here in Western Australia, everything is falling to place, it´s almost too good to be true. Things in our life has just been on the roll since we started travelling, it´s like we just go with the flow and things just settle for us...It feels like we have landed (at least for a while) here "Down under".
Johan already got job offers and is going to an intervjew on Monday, Keep ypur ingers crossed girls! I will probably start working in January when a new semester at the schools are starting, my papers are in several schools and deaf organisations at the moment. And we´ve only been here a week!
We are enjoying everything and feel really lucky, is life suppose to be this good? Well, we´re not complaining, it´s just to enjoy it as much as we can :)
KRAAAAAM from us both
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